Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Dear Friends,


      Have I got news for ya'll! Despite all the budget cuts and job loss, I have been asked back for next year. I am awaiting on the signing of my contract. Hooray! Also, I have obtained a highly qualified status. I earned this by passing yet another expensive, paper/pencil, test. I am stoked!
     I am two months away from completing my first year teaching. I can hardly believe how fast it went. It feels like yesterday I just started. As we come closer to the end of the year, I find myself becoming upset knowing I have to say goodbye to my wonderful third graders. After this year, they advance to fourth grade, in another building. I have developed such a wonderful relationship with them. I have watched them grow physically. developmentally, and educationally. That being said, I am so proud of the students they have become. Each of them have worked so hard, despite having learning disabilities. We had our good days and our bad days, but they are troopers. These third graders are the reason why I love to be in the classroom. To all my students: I am so very proud to be your teacher. I am proud of all of you!!! Please keep up the good work. Remember: Pay Attention to Details!!!!
