Wednesday, September 24, 2008

 And the Cutest Kitty Award goes to...
  Umm.. who else besides my kitty cat?!?! Her name is Natasha. I call her Kitty Witty, Tossseeey Wosseey.  Isn't she not the cutest, chubbiest kitty you have ever seen? This is what I come home to everyday. She loves when I come home and take a nap!!! She doesn't like it when I come home and check my email. Hence, the pictures above. Apparently, I wasn't paying enough attention to her. I love this little kitty!

 On a side note, this has been a busy week. I have been coming home from school at 6, minimally.  I am wiped out!!! I cannot wait for FRIDAY.. IT cannot come quick enough.  I have a dentist appointment tomorrow that I forgot to cancel. Oops! I guess I will have to face getting a couple cavities filled...after work, of course. Is it summer vacation yet???


Rosko said...

That is a very cute cat. A cat almost worth getting allergy shots over :-P . All kidding aside, I'm sorry to hear you're wiped. Continue to look forward to the weekend, and I wish you the best of luck with the dentist.