Well, I did it. I completed the first run of the summer season. I didn't do as well as I thought I would do, but you have to (re)start somewhere. I feel fabulous and my motivation has returned. Actually, it really never left, just life somewhat interfered.
The summer is going swell so far. I have been seeing family and friends, as planned. I have been slightly deprived of sunshine, but soon it will come. Gotta love Midwest weather... (or not).
Camera update:
I actually have a camera that works!!! I have been taking lots of pictures and it's fabulous. I love taking pictures. My favorites are candid ones. Candid ones tell such a story in retrospect. Posed ones are okay but aren't as fun to take. I have nothing against Canon, but their Power Shot model is quite the lemon of their products. It's not all that it is cracked up to be. I have switched to their competitor and love it more than anything. I love taking pictures and it's refreshing to have a camera that works.
I have a bunch of different activities planned for the next few weeks. I am going shopping to a favorite outlet mall, Wisconsin for teenie bopper camp (I am a counselor), and a friend's wedding, trip to California, Missouri, many trips to the beach, etc. I can't wait :o) Of course, continuing my outdoor, morning runs. They're double-y fabulous!!!!
Enjoy the beginning of Summer. Think warm weather and great sunshine!!!